Lilyanna's Adventure

Saturday, April 6, 2013

One night when my sister was sick, there was a huge cockroach UNDER our mosquito net. UGH! It scared me. My mom was in my room that night because Josie was sick. It scared my mom too so we went into my parents bedroom. My dad killed the cockroach. Now we know we need to tuck the mosquito net under the mattress rather than let it fall to the floor. Brother Patrick, our nanny and one of the sisters all confirmed we need to tuck the nets so we don’t get insects on the inside.

After my sister was feeling better, we went outside and filled up a little pool the McSorleys gave us. My dad slashed grass and my mom picked weeds while we played in the water. And when we were done with the pool, our garden isn’t the best garden yet but we still wanted to use the water. So we dumped the water in the garden so we didn’t waste it. Our garden is not like soil, its more like sand and dust. There are also rocks in it. But we have a compost so we hope that will help make the soil better.

My dad wants to plant banana trees in the front! And if we get permission from the parish, we plan to raise chickens. I did research on how to build a chicken coup. Ours will probably be out of bricks because its easier for us to get bricks than wood. We have a few brick piles around our yard from when they added on to our house. Maybe we can use those.

Right now, I’m sick. I have a fever. But I am feeling good enough to work on my blog. My sister was sick last week, it lasted for about a week. We think I have the virus my sister had. I have a headache and a high fever. My back is sore too. I have already watched 3 movies today. That’s pretty much all I’ve done, well I ate too. I have a good appetite.

We are doing a trash pickup here at Msamba Parish. So far it is working out but a lot of people litter plastic here. Already a few people have helped us and one guy told us it already looked much nicer since we started.

That’s all for now but I’ll write more in my blog another day. We pray for all of you every single day, I hope you pray for us too. Its neat here!

Well, my name in Africa is now LillianJ That’s what the kids call me, I like it.

Josephine’s thoughts (Josie is talking as mom is typing, I hope it makes sense!)
We walked to the market and met a lady. We got tomatoes. I fell asleep on my moms back. I like it in Africa. I have friends. We try to not get mosquitos from getting us. I watch videos of my cousin Marlee. You all can post videos for me to watch, I like seeing you! My grandma sent gum and M&M’s. I love the treat. I want to watch Marlee Bean videos so I have to go. Good-bye!

Lilyanna would like to share some thoughts and experiences from her perspective in this blog. And possibly, we'll do some typing in Josie's words as well! Stay tuned to hear our story through the thoughts of our beautiful daughters! 


  1. Good to see pictures of you and Josie. You both are missed around here.

  2. Hope you had a safe trip. Have a good time. I miss you. Thougths and prayers from Jannelle

  3. A nice bit of writing, Lilyanna. Thanks for letting us know how you're doing.

  4. Hi Sweetheart! Grandma tried to write on your blog but it didn't work. I sure hope this one goes through. I am sending some more seeds for you and your family. Did you get the ones I sent? I look at your pictures on this site and you sure look happy. It snowed here again this weekend--Can you believe it??? Love and Kisses from Grandma to you, Josie, Mom and Dad.

  5. I MISS YOU :( Bella misses you ps:HI :} From Jannelle and Julia Trevino

  6. hi it's shay and i have to ask but is there wild animals that just run around

    1. Very nice job Lillianj , I like that name and keep up the good work in school. Love grandpa Bob
