Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Holy Week 2013

Wow, what a week! We attended the Crisim Mass at the Cathedral in Lilongwe on Tuesday. Unfortunately there were no pictures allowed during the Mass. The Mass began at 8:30 am and concluded at 11:30am. This was the shortest of all the services we attended during Holy week! Jacob was invited to participate in the offertory, which included him dancing along with the other Malawian’s as he carried a crate of soda while swaying to the beat. Also included in the offertory were two live chickens. The girls got a kick out of the chickens when we saw them outside in a basket ready to be presented. Jacob felt very blessed to be included in such a special time of the Malawian Mass. The girls headed outside before the Mass concluded, it was a bit too long for us to keep Josie content. After Mass the Priests and Bishop processed to the hall across the parking lot. We were pleasantly surprised when the Bishop stopped as he passed us girls to wave at us!

Holy Thursday Mass was also incredible! The church was packed, the choir was vibrant and the electricity came back on right before the Mass began! Following tradition, 12 men had their feet washed and it reminded me of the humbleness of Christ. Following the Mass, the Eucharist was placed in an area, which was decorated beautifully for Eucharistic adoration. We were told this adoration continued up until 5:30 am the following day.

Good Friday began with a 6 mile Way of the Cross walk from the outskirts of Lilongwe back to Msamba, St. John the Baptist Parish. Jacob hitched a ride to the starting point in the back of a pickup truck along with about 20 other men, women and children. He had one foot in the bed and one on the bumper, praying for his safety as they traveled down the road. Thankfully ¾ of the way there he was invited into the cab of the truck! The girls stayed home because Josie was not feeling well. This was a good decision as when Jacob returned (5 hours later) very tired, sore and sun burnt! Yes, he did have on sunscreen but the sun was blazing on Friday! Jacob was invited to carry the cross for a portion of the walk, which was a humbling experience and great honor to be able to participate in this manner. Thousands of Catholics participated, including men, women and children. They sang, prayed and reflected on the sacrifice Christ made for us.

After a one hour break Tonya attended the Good Friday service. This service lasted over three hours; the outdoor seating area was absolutely packed. Most of the congregation were people who also participated in the 6 mile walk earlier in the day, making their Good Friday observation last from 8am – 5:30pm.  The devotion of this catholic community is very inspiring.

For the Easter Vigil Mas we were privileged to have the Bishop preside as the main celebrant along with our Comboni Provncial Fr. Dario, Fr. Somanji, and Brother Patrick. The fire was lit outside in front of the church as thousands gathered around.  We arrived shortly before the vigil began and quickly there was a gathering of children and adults around us. The novelty of the mazungus hasn’t quite worn off yet. As the mass began I (Jacob) was reminded of the awesome feelings I had just one year ago at our home perish before I was to be baptized and confirmed. The procession into the church was not as silent as we are used to and the space inside the church is at a premium so there was a bit of a dash to get in. As we entered and found and open spot, a very kind member of the perish directed us to the front where there were seats saved for us. These extremely kind gestures have been very common for us over the past month and are not something we take for granted.

Unfortunately, soon after the service started, Josie was having none of the packed church at her normal bedtime. So the girls left for the night and I stayed for mass. It was a beautiful celebration. The Holy Spirit was certainly present as we sang, prayed, and danced for the next five hours, yes five hours! It was moving to witness 55 men and women being baptized and confirmed. It was reminiscent for me seeing the joy, fear and excitement on their faces. At a few points throughout the mass there was a group of people dressed in their traditional tribal garb and dancing customary dances. It was a wonderful display of our faith and inculturation. You'll get a sense of the energy and spirit by the video.
There were two offerings made by the congregation, one to the church as is customary and another to the bishop. The offering to the bishop included a live goat, which unfortunately I didn’t get a picture of but did laugh out load as the goat gave out a big bellar as it was being escorted out the back of the church.  I left at almost midnight feeling blessed and thankful to our God for all he has done for all of us.
Easter Sunday was celebrated outside on a gorgeous African morning. The seating area and as far as you could see was filled with people.  The celebration of the rise of our Lord and savior was magnificent and to top it all off, in the middle of it apparently it is their practice here to bless marriages during the Easter mass.  Seven couples were married right there in front of us, pretty awesome to witness.  And of course because this is the holiest of all days, there was another goat presented at the offering.

The activities of this Holy Week left us physically exhausted but spiritually filled to the brim. We are thankful to be here in Malawi and look forward to the weeks, months and years to come. This weekend we will visit another of the outstations and get a to experience a bit more of the village life. Hopefully it doesn’t rain the night before we go like the last time we went to and outstation. Oh yeah, we didn’t write about that. Here is a pic for you. Let’s just say I earned my keep that day.

Wishing you all a blessed Easter Season.
Jacob, Tonya, Josephina, and Lilian (the girls new names in Malawi J )


  1. Wow, what faith and commitment these people have, surely humbles you. Loved the video and pictures, all of you look so happy. You are all in our prayers.

    God Bless,
    Beth Bauer
